We work with high quality, low impact materials that are sourced and produced with our planet in mind.

Italian Leather
We use only full-grain Tuscan Vacchetta leather, sourced in the heart of Tuscany from a family-run tannery, handcrafted by fine leather artisans in a natural, sustainable manufacturing process.
Our leather is tanned exclusively in oak barrels, using the ancient technique of vegetable tanning based on natural plant-based tannins such as oak bark and chestnuts. This particularly gentle manufacturing process can take up to two months and allows the leather to retain many of its original properties. The result is unique characteristics and high-quality leather hides with tonal variations in texture that are part of the inherent nature of the exclusive quality of the craft.
Our Vacchetta leather is not only considered one of the highest quality leathers in the industry but is also ethically sourced. Our tannery is one of the founding members of the Consortium for Genuine Vegetable Tanned Italian Leather ("Il Consorzio Vera Pelle Italiana Conciata al Vegetale") and is committed to the core principles of traditional and environmentally sustainable production.

All of our complementary hardware is carefully selected and sourced locally whenever possible, and our most common hardware comes from just two countries: Italy and Germany.
In addition to all of our metal hardware, such as copper rivets and brass fittings, we rely on quality manufacturers. We can state this especially for our zippers and sewing threads.
The Raccagni zipper is possibly the most revered zipper brand, having secured its position as the manufacturer for the highest quality zippers in fashion today. Since 1983, the brand has committed itself to a focus on quality and positive social policy.
Another industry leader for hand-stitching threads, known for its extreme durability and quality, comes from northern Germany, in close proximity to our studio in Hamburg. The Julius Koch sewing threads, formerly Tiger Ritza, are waxed polyester threads for perfect saddle-stitching.

We finish all of our high quality leather goods with Tokonole, a water-based and toxin-free Japanese agent used to smooth the edges of leather. It is only made from natural waxes and binds leather fibers perfectly.